It’s creepier when you imagine this face writing all of this:
It’s creepier when you imagine this face writing all of this:
At least STL loses the right way.
I’m here to throw hands, not here to throw footballs.
If the contract allows the Yankees to determine what a milestone HR is, then technically they’re not cheating ARod out of anything. They just got really slimy language past ARod/MLBPA lawyers.
I don’t know. Looks a little whitewashed.
People who act surprised that NYPD act like dickheads just aren’t paying attention.
It's important to note that for $6 more, the 16K mAh is also on sale.
It's important to note that for $6 more, the 16K mAh is also on sale.
A close friend was being counseled on going to law school by an Ivy League undergrad program. They were going over the GPA and LSAT, and this friend asked what it would take to get into a top-tier program like Harvard.
In NYC it's called stop and frisk.
Dan Le Batard easily one of the most annoying people on Earth.
It's hard to directly compare New York's performance with that of other cities, many of which evaluate themselves using different metrics. The New York subway system is more than a century old, built out of multiple competing lines, and its passenger load and round-the-clock service create a singular set of stresses.…
I've heard FOB used against any immigrant group relatively new to the US. Irish, Italian, Eastern European, Asian. I don't think it has any connotation to one particular immigrant group (at least within the Northeast.)
Yeah, Brady sucks for making 50% more Super Bowls. That makes a lot of sense.
"Hey, USA Today is coming to interview us about 9/11!"
Nothing wrong with dual-axis graphs as long as they aren't both volumes or rates (i.e. one should be a rate, the other should be volume.)
The dog regrets its role in this incident.
The takes were hot, but not hot enough to melt steel.
You're right, if we ignore the fact that Congress got involved in Spygate.
Let's also outlaw no-huddle offense. Not fair to the defense to have to line up with people that quickly.