
Who is the "we" you are speaking for?

Didn't they get the memo from Tony Stewart? It's supposed to be business as usual.

If an NFL player killed him the night before? Yeah, I think most folks would expect some kind of acknowledgment.

Same shithole, different time zone.

I think the overall issue Ley has is with the bullshit "unwritten rules" of baseball that Chris Archer, who defiantly threw them aside last year is now crying foul over. (Justifiably) Calling Archer a hypocrite is not the same as holding Ortiz's water.

Someone's calling 1-800-54-GIANT

Umm, doesn't he know that Tweeting press releases is Darren Rovell's job?

The air conditioning may be working, but it's still sunny as fuck inside the AT&T Center.

"Jim, tell people you walk around Indiana with suitcases full of cash. This will buy you sympathy and not make you a target for robbery all! It's what we call a win-win!" - Worst PR firm suitcases of cash can buy

AT&T not providing service? Color me shocked.

I don't know about you guys, but I see a lot of unwritten rules being broken in that MLB commercial. For shame, MLB. For shame.

*sends tweet, sits back in office chair awaiting undue congratulations for being fucking human*

Now I'm torn. I hate Lebron. A lot.

Twitter is definitely the medium to speak out against being quoted out of context. #dumbass

10% - $200MM

Yeah, show up and play and make Sterling more money! Buy more Clippers gear - that will really piss him off!

Strokes aren't necessarily the results of head injuries; they're vascular events in the brain that occur anytime, anywhere.

Why would anyone sign a post-nup? What's he going to do if she doesn't sign it, divorce her?

It can't possibly be that difficult to STFU for a few moments, can it?