Jason Adrian

so they could have just bought three ford lightnings, but instead bought into some weird van-ity project?

Now playing

used to think the same .. then started watching overlanding videos during the pandemic, and have promised myself i’ll buy a jeep, lift it, and kit it out to do some west coast trail camping in the near future.

well. apple listened, at least.

seems like both erik and the commenters are both struggling to recognize the obvious: when buying an EV, you’re not buying the car, you’re buying the car PLUS the charging network.

i haven’t met a single tesla owner who though their car was full FSD.

im far from a tesla fanboy, but the constant sh*tting on tesla around here is just so .. boring.

WTF. she is a legend and will be missed. 

could you imagine if they had thrown this drivetrain in the xf sportbrake

i don’t know why i keep coming to this blog -- the majority of articles are by people who don’t even seem interested in cars

100%. i did this when i first learned to drive, and it had an effect i didn’t expect when i first set out: humility.

pretty sure everyone on the nj turnpike is going faster than that

i hope they rename it after me

agree with the conclusion but not the analysis

whoa, didn’t even think of that

we’ve seen real brilliance from leclerc last season, and that was cemented this season. he’s put that ferrari in places it had no business being.

was honestly very close to getting one of these when a dealership in Long Island had a dozen and was offering some amazing deals. Infotainment kept me from pulling the trigger. Really disappointed that opportunity will never come up again :(

switching allegiance from ze germans after my current lease is up — going to be really tempting to grab a used version of either this or the new tsx.

rampcapital and rationalwalk are definitely joking around ... the internet has lost its sense of humor

to be afair, gemballa had already ruined that carrera gt

I’ll offer up two: