
Looks cool. Kinda want one. But why are all of Giz' articles lately talking about an elephant in the room? Is there something you're not telling us?

@Voyou_Charmant: scared the crap out of me. Took the fun right out of it.

I've got iEverything—seriously, it looks like the Apple Store threw up on my desk... but I'm curious to try something new and honestly I think these non-phone Android devices will be good for Android... will open up the OS to a lot of people to try that have an iPhone but don't want to buy another phone just to try

I want to live inside a Donkey Kong screen, personally. Let's go devs! Developers, developers, developers!

@pdubs1087: There are still plenty of CSS positioning issues that exist with ALL versions of IE, and even change between versions. I don't have those issues with FF, Safari, etc. IE6 was a nightmare (I no longer support it by default, unless the client needs it for some godforsaken reason), but even the latest

Please die a quick, miserable death, IE. You are the ultimate PITA to every web developer in existence.

@Purdueable: She's trying out a new wrapper to fix the antennae problem.

@YummyCyanide: I had no idea. Thanks for the HEADS UP. Get it? Head's up?

I'm an Apple fanperson just like many of you but seriously, for this I say: Fuck Apple!

What's with the random crazy-ass break dancing. Yo, Adrian!

@ChickenPotPython: I concur! I downloaded and enabled the feature. It works great!

I don't get it. What is impressive about any of this?

And the mass exodus from AT&T shall commence...

It's just the stupidest idea from the get-go. "Let's sandwich two pieces of glass between a piece of metal, without protecting the edges".

@orphic1: I concur. Hurry up and download it!

It's cool, but you can't export downloaded videos to iTunes!

My personal favorite:

Google image search "TSA millimeter wave body scan" for a good time. Ewww!

@DangerousLiberal: See... make available clean bathrooms, sell books. It's a no-brainer.

@Bsjskier: True... no tax, free shipping with Prime. I love it and don't want it disrupted.