
Best solution:

B&N I'd buy, Borders I wouldn't. I just have fond memories of eating dinner at Red Robin, then walking over to B&N only to rip ass all the way to their clean bathrooms. I'm nostalgic that way.

@crazypills77: my first reaction as well. Why the hell launch this product on an iPhone first? Just stoooopid.

I got mine on Friday and so far it's been a mouse replacement—easily. If over time that fails, I'll move it to the left of my kbd and use it there. I absolfreakinloutely love my Trackpad, especially for navigating the web. 3-finger swipe up or down to move the top/bottom of the page. 3 finger swipe left/right to move

So it's public information, and it was "leaked" to the public. What am I missing here? Is this page on Gizmodo going to be leaked to a torrent site too? Oh nos!

And just look at ALL of those other cases for iPhone4 they have in the store! Oh wait, there aren't any.

Or you could just buy your own $7 stainless steel egg timer at Amazon and drill your own hole.

@The Professor: I agree... great move to add the iPhone to a worse carrier than AT&T. I seriously doubt they would bother with this addition.

@thechansen: I don't know what the hell happened there LOL — thanks. I found it.

I haven't heard of any of the random artists you mentioned in your article. Glad (for you) they have them though. Seems as though you have to like weird shit to find anything. Anything popular?

I was hoping they'd compare the size to a Wheat Thin cracker, not the box. An opportunity slipped by; a lost sale.

The iPhone offerings pale in comparison to this app. All 5 iPhone apps have a keyboard with a solid background, blocking most of your view. This is much more slickerer.

Clearly Motorola still doesn't get it. It's a shame, really, because they used to be on top before the Smartphone was king.

This is hardly the future of TV. If I want my TV on my mobile devices, then use Slingbox. It's been around for years, and you have access to everything you watch at home. It's a good move for Hulu, I'm sure... but don't tout this as the future of TV because it's not... especially if they have forced commercials. It's

@musiqrulez: Last I checked, broadcast HD was 1080. Hulu's 720 looks OK on a small screen like an iPad or iPhone but not on a TV screen or a big monitor.

@Andy Mesa: I concur. If they are charging $10/mo and STILL adding in commercials, I'd be pissed.

Goodbye to cable only if Hulu carried more than NBC (which I watch very little of). I can't see paying another $10/mo for content that I already pay for and get from my cable box. Hulu is extremely limited.

I don't get the similarity. Except for the multiple colors.