
Thanks for fixing the link issue :)

@floobie: I broke down and bought a 11" 1.6GHz 128GB 4GB config (11" maxed out) and it's *incredible*. I can't believe how fast it is. I have my CS5 apps, iWork, iLife, and Final Cut Pro installed and I still have 100GB left over. It's incredibly fast... far faster than I thought it would be.

Any FCP editing I will be doing on it will be very minor. Just going through very rough edits while "out and about" so that when I return to my Mac Pro I won't have as much work to do. I wouldn't try to do anything tricky with filters and transitions.

This article is great timing, as I recently gave up my 15" Macbook Pro for an 8-core Mac Pro monster.

Fantastic. So instead of getting the video that I really wanted to shoot, I get some extra crap that I now have to trim? Genius!

"It's that simple". Bull-shiiiiit! That looks like a helluva lot of work just to get a push notification. Geeks will be geeks, I guess.

It's great, except for the lack of being able to click links. That's a requirement for me to see what the hell the stupid tweet is about!

@BSartist: I see a rear differential

Kinda shitty video, compared to a Hero HD or Contour HD cam. Also very fisheye.

I canceled my VZW contract to get the original iPhone on AT&T. I'm not going back, as I've been perfectly happy with AT&T.

@Catchy Screen Name: Looks horrible to me. If it is grammatically correct, shouldn't it at least be "won't"?

@seanpat12: I agree... AirPrint is an AirFAIL.

Shocking that there's no video demo demonstrating its awesome sound :)

@grimjack28: His little pet project, I'm sure. Now he can retire happy.

While repetitive, it's actually quite good.

@Nigra: I certainly don't. This is big news for Jobs only.