
This, Rime and No Man's Sky are my most anticipated indie games right now.

Always the negative one huh Arch.

Don't worry Rise of the Tomb Raider is most likely a timed exclusive.

I said it sold more of it's previous game on the PS4 not every game in the franchise. And considering the last one was a reboot I figure it would make sense to put it on the platform it sold more on too considering their taking the series in a different direction.

It's weird, if they were gonna make it exclusive to a platform you'd figure it be the PS4 considering their last game sold more on it.

Okay I see you're point but that doesn't make this any better because I figured companies had moved past that.

Wait, we get a Tiger companion. Kickass.

It's looks more interesting to me now.

You're an embarrassment to PC gamers everywhere.

You done fucked up Square.

Could you name these games that became exclusive during the PS1 era? I didn't start gaming until the 6th gen so I don't really know much about the games then.

Yeah it's probably a timed exclusive. Most likely coming to PC and PS4 4 months later.

Well dick move might be the wrong term. It's just kind of annoying because half of TR's fanbase is on Playstation and the franchise has been multiplatform for a long time so it's stupid to just go and make it exclusive for no reason when it probably won't help them in the long run much.

Difference is Nintendo funded the development of Bayonetta 2. Here it's just a dick move.

It's a multiplatform franchise unexpectedly becoming exclusive, of course people were gonna be pissed.

Except this is a well-known multiplatform game unexpectedly becoming exclusive to a platform with no rhyme or reason. Also the majority of PS exclusives were always exclusive to Playstation so that doesn't even make sense in this context.

The problem is that this is a well-known franchise that's been multiplatform for a long time and sold more of it's previous game on Playstation 4 than on Xbox One. It makes sense people would be pissed because they assumed it would be on both platforms and not made exclusive which cuts out off half of it's existing

Exactly. This is just plain dumb, and it doesn't even make sense because it sold more on PS platforms.

You summed this up perfectly.

I've never played a zombie action game before so I'm willing to try it out. The only zombie game I've ever played is The Walking Dead.