
TELLTALE. That is all.

I thought the 6 scenarios was the Early Access version and not the full game?

Their new and had a kickstarter which was fully funded last year. The kickstarter was actually Project Phoenix.

Creative Intelligence Arts Inc.

Then would you like Project Phoenix then? It's a turn based JRPG that's coming 2015.

Understandable complaints but you never addressed how you feel about Kingdom Come Deliverance? Also what type of RPG's do you like by the way anyway?

Is Bloodborne the only game you actually like? What about Kingdom Come Deliverance or Wasteland 2 or Divinity Original Sin. I just feel like those games would be up your alley.

The problem is that the system scans in-game music too.

Their not muting 30 seconds, their muting 30 minutes of audio.

I just realized that this will seriously damage PS4 and Xbox One's share utility.


Yeah sometimes law is stupid like that.

He looks sorta like Hitler.

That's both stupid and insane.

I love how everyone is complaining about this FREE add-on.

That's great and all.. but what happened to Triad Wars?

I knew it! Totally called it!

Wow you're a straight up douche if you think people who genuinely enjoy Fallout and Wasteland are posers just because they played it years after they were born.

Because this is clearly the best time for that apparently. When someone is mourning the loss of a loved one.

Excuse my while I go in a corner and totally not cry. I'll just be sweating from my eyes.