
Knowing this piece of info has made my existence just a little shittier now.

More like he wants the damn product he put down money for.

But youtubers aren't journalists. Plus didn't most of the youtubers have a discussion about the deal anyway?

That threat is still seriously fucked up though. The guy actually sounds like he'd go through with it.

Oh wait didn't see that last line. Ignore my previous comment.

It seems like the tweet was made by some random asshole who gets his kicks stirring shit up. Not sure what this has to do with gamers.

Again!? Jesus fucking christ.

And again the same harassment comes from the other side too so it's not fair to label one side based off of a subset of assholes. But hey you're free to have to your own opinions even if I disagree with them.

I have seen people who support Gamergate try to stop this, but honestly I'm not sure how their supposed to be able to permanently get rid of these assholes. The only way to do that would be to somehow get them banned but they'd probably make a new account and then the cycle would repeat. Also I think the Anti-GG

If that's true then those specific people are enormous assholes who deserve whatever punishment they get.

And even then isn't it a little bit unfair to say the entire movement supports harassment just because of a subset of people who are assholes. I mean I have some friends on Twitter who support Gamergate (Note:Their both women, so please none of that white misognyist stuff) that are against this stuff plus one of them

Is there a link to this chatroom conversation?

Not entirely sure what Gamergate has to do with this though. This person could be literally any random asshole on the internet thinking he's invincible. He didn't even use the hashtag either.

That is is some fucked up shit. This person is a horrible pathetic asshole.

Whoops. Sorry my brain was still tired. I will add you later I mean. Also my HDTV is going to be my monitor.

Cool thanks. Will add you once I get a Pc.

Man I can't wait to get my PC.

For real?

Kingdom come deliverance isn't a shooter or a sequel plus it's an RPG.