This so much.
This so much.
Well that was an incredibly dumb statement. Kinda figure you'd talk about the future of fucking video games when you invest into a video game company.
If you're gonna troll do it right man. You're thinking Columbus Day.
Yup the simulator craze has just worn thin. I think I would rather play a real game than another attempt to get cash from purposefully buggy and boring games.
You're saying that it's been Juno'd.
Personally I liked the story and Elizabeth who was a good escort character who was helpful and very well developed. Plus the world was pretty cool to explore.
Bioshock Infinite was not shitty.
It's like Fortnite mixed with Jet Set Radio mixed with Dead Rising. Awesome!
Do you have ADD?, because if you're losing interest that fast then you must ADD or something.
Wow that is really freakin stupid. This isn't even a gray area type of incident where some people say it sexist while other people say it's innocent, it's just blatant gender discrimination.
There are like 2 demos out now I think. Check those out.
Agreed, this is just wrong.
How can you look 'gay'? Plus he looks pretty normal to me. Hell if they didn't mention he was gay I wouldn't have known he was gay just from looking at him.
I meant did it interest you? Like would you play it when they release it? And it's unique in the fact that it's a realistic medieval rpg instead of the fantasy ones we usually have.
Pc Master race: We don't care about peasant exclusives like Uncharted or Halo. We've got quality like Rock and Grass Simulator.
I noticed that. The grass does not look too good.
Another one!? This has gone from funny to worn out real fast.
I think I just found the tenth circle of Hell. And it fucking frightens me.
Oh Inverse, inverse, inverse. Trolling just to get attention, for shame.
Okay it was funny with Goat Simulator but this is really getting old. Who would actually spend money on funding a game about being a rock?, it's not funny nor silly like Goat Simulator it's just boring.