
"Aw yeah realism" and "Oh yeah, well.. your mom" were the best parts.

I love how the video glides over the fact that Sunset Overdrive, H1Z1, The Division and Quantum Break let you play as a female character or that we don't even know who the protagonist of Phantom Dust but the video just assumes it's that guy in the trailer.

So what do you think?

Well check it out. It seems like something you would be interested in.

Hopefully they have a better protagonist in the sequel.

Reminds me of Assassin's Creed 1 actually. The first game is a proof of concept and is only there to lay the template down for the better sequel.

True words my friends. True words.

The story was actually pretty okay and serviceable. The main problem is that Aiden is generic and flat and it's especially notable considering the supporting cast are just way more interesting than him. I'd rather play as T-bone or Jordi than Aiden in Watch Dogs 2.

Hey something I forgot to ask you when we were talking about RPG's Archaotic. How do you feel about Kingdom Come Deliverance?

Seriously? Babies first anime?

Seems cool. I think I'll get it right now.

Hats off to these guys. This is how you do DLC.

You mean like an Open World Avatar game. That would be sweet.

An Avatar game made by Platinum Games. Interesting.

The part about New IP's is kind of true sometimes. People complain about lack of new IP's then when one's released they ignore or criticize it harshly which leads to it being abandoned which leads back to the complaints about lack of new Ip's.

Okay so it wasn't the best thing to say but I wouldn't say he's an asshole.

I think Tina mentioned that she had seen gameplay and said it was just like the trailer. I remember something like that at least.

Well people like Minecraft so there's obviously appeal to the idea of no goals. It's honestly just not you're type of game so yeah you should probably avoid it like the plague.

Took you 10 minutes to come up with that response didn't it? And it'll take you 10 more to realize I said I was being sarcastic.

I don't think he meant it that way. I think it was more like he's acknowledging that thinks he's out of touch with what the crowd wants and is nervous because he fears that the crowd might not like his game because of that.