That's the fun of it. You make up your own goals. Like Minecraft.
That's the fun of it. You make up your own goals. Like Minecraft.
Wow I'm so scared. (That was sarcasm by the way.) Keep talking buddy eventually you'll come up with something witty to say.
Wow, pathetic little thing aren't you. Keep spewing all that stupid, it's comedy gold!
Also that's rich coming from a guy who's arsenal of witty responses that includes shitting in someone's mouth and accusing someone of date rape. That's just rich. I just feel sorry for you.
Well it's just not your type of game man.
Yeah buddy keep dreaming. The only one who needs to work through their shame is you considering you just assumed I rape people for no reason and you apparently like shitting in people's mouth. And that's in addition to your superiority complex.
I'm just speaking the truth you. You're unpleasant, annoying and really are nothing but a hipster who assumes that anyone who doesn't fit their mindset is inferior when in reality you're the one who is pathetic and inferior because of your surperiority complex.
Yeah, but I'm crossing my fingers they surprise us.
Also to assume I date-rape people just because I disagreed with your assumption that anyone who plays mainstream games are troglodytes is completely fucked up and shows just how unpleasant you are.
Go back to your basement you pathetic little bastard. You've shown nothing but hate and spite towards people who don't like what you like and honestly I'm pretty sure no one else here likes you. At all.
Also the taking a dump in my 'ugly' little mouth part just shows how much of an immature little brat you are.
Apparently they have some special system that will allow them the make an infinte universe but it's hard to explain.
I'm joking man. I actually know that this game could flop potentially if not done right but I'm being optimistic because these guys seem passionate about it.
Jeez kind of harsh don't you think.
Still a downer as always eh Archaotic? :)
You make a good point.
I think it was confirmed that that was actual gameplay in the trailer.
Wow how mature. You know you're just proving my point right?
Oh okay.