Thank you for being an example of a good PC gamer who doesn't act like an elitist and actually cares about gameplay.
Thank you for being an example of a good PC gamer who doesn't act like an elitist and actually cares about gameplay.
There's shooting in it.
Hell the fact you don't care about No Man's Sky shows that you might be dead inside and should probably stop playing games if you're going to be apathetic towards all of them.
Wow you're just a barrel of laughs aren't you.
Wow things got dark fast.
They've clarified Destinty was a shooter from the start. How did you not know?
Okay so it's obvious you're a hipster who assumes anyone who plays anything mainstream is immediately a brain dead moron. I suggest getting the hell off the internet, taking a look in the mirror and realizing that you're an asshole.
Agreed, bought Wolfenstein yesterday and it is one of the best FPS's I've played in the past 3 years.
Stop being such a pessimist because if you haven't realized it your logic applies to every game ever made.
Unfortunately the dudebros will cause it to sell like 50 million on launch day alone while games like an Okami sequel would sell like 100,000 for an entire month.
Yeah I agree. The sad part is that every COD game makes something like 50 million on release day while games like Okami or Pyschonauts ends up selling like 100,000 for an entire week. That's just not fair.
Well slap yourself outta that emo phase and start playing because their are alot of great games coming.
The list is for FPS's only.
You're forgetting the co-op, vehicle takedowns, grappling hook, shooting while driving and climbing gear. That's also in Far Cry 4.
I actually liked Watch Dogs and Far Cry 3.
These are for FPS's not TPS.
I agree FPS's seem to finally be leaving the basic COD formula and are trying to branch out and feel different.
It's so good to come to Kotaku, which seems to be one of the few places left where people in the comments talk more about gameplay mechanics and content instead of obsessing about resolution. Looking at you DSOgaming and Gamingblend, especially DSOgaming which is infested with PC Master race who do nothing but shoot…
All of my yes. Just all of it.
Freakin love me some Poppycock.