
What, no Homefront: The Revolution!? I am shocked and disappointed Tina, I really am.

That was actual gameplay so your sentence is now invalid.

Yeah I'm shocked it's not on there either. It looks really good.

I've been drowning myself in open world games so I've been getting fatigued too lately. Which is why I got Wolfenstein to break up the open world conga.

You don't think riding elephants are cool!?


No Man's Sky, Far Cry 4 and Evolve are my most anticipated.

John DiMaggio as the Ghost would make me buy this game day-one.

It's sounds more like a guy reading from a script he barely gives a shit about then a computer.

It's the equivalent to light teasing between friends. Lighten up man.

So according to ESA if you play Candy Crush alot, then you count as a gamer?

Oh. Never mind then.

The graphics don't really seem downgraded to me. The only thing different from the reveal is the amount of pop-in.

Well the game's not finished yet so they can fix all that.


I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be easy for the demo. That's how most demos go. Also the box is a staple of Metal Gear so how you didn't know about it until now is amazing.

It's still a pretty good year just not for next gen only games. I mean we only have 3 upcoming ones: Super Smash Bros, AC Unity and Evolve.

It's a joke. It doesn't actually look like that.

SJW: Wait he's not a female! Let's all freak out and call Ubisoft sexist even though they've made a female protagonist before and write strong female characters.

It must be a nightmare for their PR department.