Please tell me this is a parody.
Please tell me this is a parody.
I know it's so annoying mostly because their too busy jerking us around like were nothing to them.
I agree. I mean when you keep delaying the most hyped part of your game for this long, it's too late everyone has lost interest. Plus GTA Online was only fun for like 2 weeks before becoming boring.
In 2016: "We are still working very hard on the heists. We estimate they'll be ready by late 2018. Be patient."
No I enjoy them too.
I tried editing within that time limit.
For some reason the edit option isn't there still.
Is the main menu the place where it lists all my comments?
The majority voted and the majority have spoken.
How do I edit my posts? There's no option when I click the little arrow.
Or people have different opinions and the majority liked sony more.
Yup seems just about right.
I gotta agree. That bro stuff didn't even last for 10 minutes. As soon as Grant died, that shit went out the window.
Also what console do you own because if you have a Ps4 maybe you can friend me on it because right now I have no one on my friend list.
I have learned so much, I'll take those tips to heart once I get to college. I hope your game succeeds and that it comes on PS4 or the Wii U because those are the current next gen platforms me and my brother own. We'll be getting the Xbox One next year.
That sounds kickass. Is it an exclusive or multiplatform?
I meant "you" like anyone not anyone specifically. And sorry for coming across as an asshole I just kind of assumed you were one of those people who just look for any reason to call someone a dick.
Sounds interesting. Can you tell me what the art style and game mechanics are like?
I never said you were humble plus just because you specifically think he doesn't sound like he's being sincere doesn't mean he's a dick. You're just trying to spin it so that he seems like a dick. Fuck, you're annoying.
That's true. Infamous looks way better.