
Okay but you're gonna miss alot of upcoming great games.

What's the game you'really making?

I still think the consoles could've gotten close to what they showed at e3 if it wasn't for last Gen. Plus Infamous second son looks on par with 2012 e3 watch dogs to me.

Yeah I just tried a Google search and couldn't find a thing about him stealing charity money. I'm pretty sure you either made that up or you were given bad Intel.

And just why do you think he's annoying then?

I get a feeling you and me are going to get along just fine.

Wanna know what would be even funnier getting a dudebro who only plays COD to play Dark souls. Dudebro: 'Why the fuck can't I shoot things, why isn't the game telling me where to go at all times, this game suxx 0/10.

Okay that let's play was pretty funny.

I ended up learning that when I watched a few LPs of the game.

I meant what does he think is bullshit in the article!


That's actually the same reason I never got into the Souls series... well that and intimidation from the fabled 'Mega-super' difficulty of the games. But I'm finally willing to try it out.

From what I can tell it seems to be like Souls but more offensive-oriented and faster-paced. Also you apparently become a beast when you lose all your 'souls' or 'blood' or whatever their using for this game.

Actually I had found some gameplay leaks on the internet which is what I'm basing my opinion off of.

Well good on Microsoft for getting rid of that dumb policy then.

I meant more of the tactical stuff and the procedural destruction really.

Yeah Microsoft will probably repeal that policy because it'll shoot them in the foot badly. But personally Bloodborne looks pretty cool to me, which is weird because I never played the Souls series.

So did they publicly announce their removing that policy or not yet, because that policy is going to shoot them in the foot badly.

In terms of dialogue I cant argue with you. In terms of gameplay it looked pretty cool.

Still it's at least nice to know about Bloodborne, Let it Die and Uncharted 4 are being made. Also I thought games released on other platforms before Xbox aren't allowed on Xbox because of that policy Microsoft had because if that's still in play then No Man's Sky and Grim Fandango will only be on PC and Ps4.