
@Mama Penguino: Sadly, this righteous anger is pretty ineffectual.

Meanwhile I'm Nick Denton appreciates my personal contribution to increasing the page views on this story :)

And remember when a gay student is beaten at a college, it at least makes the local news. Why? Because the HRC is far better at public relations, campaigning and drawing the spotlight onto gay issues.

And what about apologists for homophobia and racism? I suppose they're not an ounce as powerful as the evil all-powerful misogynists.

Oh and as Melissa Bruen goes thru hell, the main message on NOW's webpage is about getting ready for Mother's Day.

@mbprice: When is the feminist leadership going to confront the mothers of rapist sons over how they raised them?

I think feminists have been putting time and energy into tactics that are ineffective at best and counterproductive at worst.

This is one of those times when women can sit around coming up with the worst expletives they can about the rapists and spend hours hating the world.

Aravosis say: If Hillary can continue to damage Obama, maybe she can make Obama lose in the fall, and then she can run again in 2012. Don't think that this isn't what her senior advisers, including her husband, are thinking. These people aren't Democrats, they're Clintons.

Hang your heads in shame, elitists. They just called it for Hillary. You can weep into your soy lattes tomorrow while the bitter and angry common people do their victory dance.

I hope Gary just sits tight and keeps straining his ass to squeeze out more Obama votes.

@Jezebabe: You're gonna get totally pissed when I tell you her full name was Maria Quesa Dilla.

Daaaamn. If there was a little speaker in it that would make the quack sounds when you turned the lamp on and off that would be so great.

@sacapuntas: Yeah, how stupid of the H&K producers to stick Harold with a lame-ass South Asian chick. Good for Kumar though to end up with the real prize for all non-white guys: a nice white girl.

True progress will be made when ugly white people marry ugly minorities and their children are also quite ugly and no one gives a shit.

@sanibelly ,@TeenageGangDeb: : I don't think Deb equated teenage brains with those of infants. I don't see any refernce to children or babies. In fact Deb uses pretty much the same language that blackbirdfly used :"not fully developed brains".

1. Roman Polanski's law: If Annie Leibovitz didn't take that pic and Bubba Trailerpark took it instead, everybody would be frothing at the mouth. Famous intellectual liberal artistes get to be misunderstood and ahead of their time. Working class types are called filthy pervs.