
Who funds this crap? And how can I get my hands on this money?

Annie Leibovitz' best days are far behind her. Repetitive, dull and overrated.

I'm humbly waiting for the liberal media to report that it was a staunch Hillary supporter, Barbara Reynolds, who invited the Rev. Wright to the National Press Club.

(White) Soccer moms make the bulk of The Outraged constituency in the Miley case.

@blackbirdfly: Slut Machine's wording on this and a few of the other comments are full of equivocation. This is the very latest in many instances where either the writers and/or the commenters don't really take a stand against nasty people who are not on the list of Jezebel's sworn enemies such as drunken fratboys,

I find it very disturbing that when a clip shows a man leering at his own daughter's private parts, the first priority is to fret about whether one is being overly judgmental about this man.

I have a great idea! Why not pardon child-raping priests too?

Things I Have Learned:

@NefariousNewt: All true, but those families ain't anywhere near 'loving'. And yes, foster care is terrible. And so are their families. Most of these children are doomed either way. Whether they stay with their violent and sexually abusive parents or with violent and sexually abusive foster parents, most of them are

Took her long enough.

This is bullshit. Children are getting raped and beaten. End of story. Drag their asses to court.

@NefariousNewt: "Loving but socially flawed" ??? Well, beating up one's children and forcing them into incestuous sexually abusive relationships used to be called horrific child abuse. But I suppose in our politically correct bubble, we must celebrate diversity and condone depravity in the name of being culturally

@BadenBaden: Thank you, YES. I just can't stand this reflexive stamping of women as automatic victims. What are they adults for?

The poor men in that cult were apparently beaten by their moms at a very young age.

Well, if we're going to play the victim card for Those Poor Women, who let their own kids get raped because they were in a cult and therefore didn't know better, then why not give the men the same excuse? Let's see how that sounds:

Also, isn't UPI (the story source) owned by some very traditional religious group?

Or maybe traditional Bangladeshi girls are far more likely to act like everything is okay and they have no problems, when an outsider asks them to talk about their lives. Like traditional women everywhere. Including the United States. "even with that demure long dress i can still smell the skank from here"