
Funnily enough, the only reason I don't use widgets on OS X are because its on a separate screen; I'd love to have it running off my desktop (Geektool is the closest to what I want, although its not the easiest to use).

According to the breakdown of my battery usage on my Android, it doesn't look like my widgets are burning much battery life; my live wallpaper barely burns any battery either. If I had to guess a reason, I'd say its because they want to keep a consistent design on the home screen that is distinctly in their control;

I vaguely remember Konfabulator; what I meant was that OS X made it a feature before Windows did, but yet Android's beaten them to the punch in the mobile market.

The iPhone 4s was a very weak update not because of the name but because after so long all and so many rumours, all it came with was a better camera, a better processor, and a flagship feature that was a BETA service.

99/100 people who step into a Best Buy will not know the names of any of the iPad's competitors, not try them out, and then say how much easier and enjoyable to use the iPad is.

I really don't understand why there are no widgets in iOS....Apple was the first to bring widgets to desktop computing (from what I remember) yet they waste screen space on iOS with icons being the only choice.

What are the general thoughts on the new Apple TV UI? Good? Bad?

I wanted to buy Apple stock years ago when I got my tangerine iMac and I wanted to buy Ford stocks during the bailouts and now I'm kicking myself; now I'm scared I'll buy the next thing I think of and watch it tank :D

An anti-Apple bias on Gizmodo? Compare coverage of iOS products to Android or WM on this site and there's no way you can even remotely allege that. Articles on how the iPhone is the perfect screen size, numerous articles on how the Note and other Androids are an incorrect size, calling out certain Androids for having

Not trying to troll here, but I really don't see how tablets (iPad or not) are so popular. Other than those who want something really simple (and now for gaming...) to use I don't see the benefit. It can't do what my old MacBook can, its not significantly cheaper, its not more portable because they both need to be

As someone who's eaten deep-fried coke, deep fried twix and drank condensed milk, that looks absolutely disgusting.

And how did they test the battery life of the yet-unreleased HTC that has almost 400 more mAh than the iPhone4s? Guestimation?

In substance I don't really see the difference between the two.

I tip my hat to Apple. Their removable iPhone battery has allowed them to escape mention on this article while a bunch of Androids that sell a fraction as much are mentioned.

That second youtube video...I skimmed through it and all I saw some someone walking down a street talking about expensive cars and having the camera pointed at his head the whole time instead....

That's from Apple's own website, talking about the flagship feature of their latest phone.

I'm not a fan of iOS (I use Android and before that I was a Nokia S40/S60 user) and I can't imagine myself liking 10.6 (which I have no real complaints about) moving towards iOS; as it stands I wasn't thrilled by 10.7 and will not upgrade.

Meh, my Nexus S doesn't always get charged by the netbook and when playing games or browsing sites that use flash while plugged in it won't always increase in charge.

Don't worry; considering how many guys are now wearing skinny jeans, the impact of these testicle toasters are probably negligible.