
Isn't that going to cause anxiousness if a loved one is checking the person's FB page and can't see anything because the person's cell network is down or can't find a phone?

If exercise makes you smarter than I can't imagine what the members of the Washington Wizards would be like if they weren't in the NBA.

266K and its not even fully loaded? You'd think they wouldn't nickle and dime on the exhaust or brakes....

And every colour combination will be listed as a new model in the game.

Google has implemented checks in the Android market and all permissions are laid out before installation so the user can decide if they want to install it or not.

Sometimes CNN is much worse

Cool & interesting article.

I'm the last person to defend Apple (which is funny because a few years ago I'd be the first to defend them...), but I don't see anything wrong here.

"If you have multiple YouTube accounts, you will have to complete these steps for each account."

I agree; I have the almost identical Nexus S and I think 4" is perfect.

What I meant by it was in the comparison vs the iPhone, because the first thing Apple fans will mention is that most of the Android devices aren't competitors to the iPhone.

Granted, a lot of these apps are total shit and a waste of kilobytes (same goes for a lot of apps in the App Store) and a lot of these Android devices are lower-end phones. Nonetheless, I hope that means the Android Market can soon be on par with the App Store; the difference in apps is the only reason I'd consider an

Apple says over 500,000 but isn't more specific than that.

Using BMI to make conclusions about health is like using a speedometer to make conclusions about someone's cooking skills.

You would be very surprised at the amount of people who have no problem dishing out a ton of money per month every month, but balk at the prospect of paying ANYTHING for a phone. I know a lot of people who weren't willing to spend $50 to upgrade from an iPhone 4 to an iPhone4s and in another example, $25 to go from a

Meh, looks better than most of what Acura sells today.

We were born with our balls hanging away from our body for a reason...excluding that, I can't even imagine how jeggings & skinny jeans are comfortable.

Run a search on Gizmodo for the Samsung Note and see how many articles have been on it in the last 2 weeks, most of which harp on the fact that they don't like the size. Case in point, this "comedy" piece: []+sized-galaxy-note-changed-my-life

Wow. That right there is about as awesome as an image can get :D

I don't have or want a Note, I'm just tried of numerous articles here that do nothing but say that certain writers here love their iPhone and won't give the time of day to anything else.