
Does it matter if they launched one or eight or 80 phones? Its not an iOS phone so the only coverage it'll get here will be negative.

He means the "article" itself. There's been so many negative "articles" on the Note here that don't even remotely attempt to have some semblance of partiality. That idiotic and unfunny parody article on the Note was probably the worst.

Did the Note sleep with one of the Giz writer's girlfriends or something? Constant whining and focusing on how big the screen is....

Apple's profit margins are obviously far too slim to allow for this.

Looking at my post history you'll see I'm the last person to defend Apple, but I don't think the same can be said about Mac trackpads. I really, really like the trackpad on my Macbook and I have no problem going across the 24" external monitor with just one swipe of my finger. My Dell's trackpad is tiny and pisses me

The tightness of hipster jeans are a great way for making sure hipsters don't become too mainstream in the future.

And how much healthier would North Americans be without unnecessary corn and soy subsidies?

I don't know about the iPad version, but I know the desktop version of Numbers wasn't able to properly open most of the .xls and .xlsx files from work, and Pages and Keynote had persistent (but minor) issues opening .docs and .ppts.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see an iPad 2s instead of an iPad3....

I think they're in the States at Wendy's as part of their .99c value meal (which is 1.89 in Canada even though the Canadian dollar is worth more....). That gets you 5 pcs and a sauce packet.

I'm sure its satisfactory to most people who aren't madly in love with Apple.

And you know that if they made it out of glass they'd say its was either a) a blatant iPhone rip-off, or b) a stupid design move to choose such a fragile material.

That's a tricycle with a metric ass-ton of negative camber, not a unicycle.

After many years of being a Mac user (and really liking OS X up to 10.6.6), I think I agree with you. I'm pretty sure I won't be getting another Mac. Non-replaceable Macbook PRO batteries? This dumbing down of the OS? Its not a great trend.....

"WSJ: Google Planted Cookies on iPhones Without Anyone’s Permission (Updated)"

Is it too much to hope for the next ridiculously cool wallpaper to be of an 8-series? :D

Exactly. The sanctimonious bullshit is tiring. Its as if anyone who doesn't have an iPhone is labelled an idiot over here.

Its a troll article; anything non-Apple gets bashed here.

Anything that isn't an Apple-specified size is going to get bashed until Apple adopts it; at that time, the fanboys and writers here will then get on their knees and praise Apple for being so innovative.

This needs a not-safe-for-morning tag; this "article" pretty much nullified my morning coffee.