crazy among the insane

You print your porn, dont you?

Horseshit means that they believe it. Its called bullshit because theyre knowingly, deliberately lying their asses off.

Odd how nothing in your sentence here is true.

The clouds and the trees and the ants don’t cry out for a god

There is no God. No one directs the universe

Your fear of the natural world combined with your belief that you can control my body makes you a fascist which you denied and are now proven a liar.

So how do you feel about drugs or abortion????

So using a for-profit corporation’s product shouldn’t be my choice?

Nope. Still absurd.

Because if we took your only outtake, then there isn’t a single person or group in the world that isn’t fascist. Which is absurd.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy, which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Profit is necessary from vaccination

Trump is merely defending his business partners, per usual, because all he cares about is money and power.

gene pool pollution only occurs when anti science folks procreate.

Fine, then stay away from me and my family.

Are you... are you stanning for Bobby Finger? Who is a gay man?

For those of us who didn’t breastfeed, your statement was a painful one.

something that would be worth discussing if people could climb down off their outrage-soapboxes for just a second to engage in some actual self-examination.

That’s funny. Thanks for sharing and the emotional support. lol

Resist the trolls! They are out in force.