crazy among the insane

You get it.

Wasnt he a fucking pimp?

Im more concerned with him being an unrepentant pimp than his relationship with bagels.

Trump ain’t the only person in America not only not interested in the truth, but willfully spreading lies.

because ‘love thy neighbor’ was (according to the Jesus) a law that would encompass all law, for nothing evil could be done out of love.

because ‘love thy neighbor’ was (according to the Jesus) a law that would encompass all law, for nothing evil could be done out of love.

I wish I could buy 10 stars to give you, my friend.

It’s a commitment to one another (and no one else), *AND* it ensures that the children know exactly who their father is.

Being evil takes its toll.

something which has been factually debunked.

with factual inaccuracies

First off, my white wife and my white self voted Democrat. It was my first vote in over thirty years of eligibility. Of course, our district is on ~33% white and >50% black so we’re really just voting with our community, but that’s immaterial because I would vote the same way even if I hadn’t been cast out by my fake r

(If your Creator has an actionable solution to our current dire governmental crisis of constitutional democracy, now might be a good time to unveil it.)

My friend, no philosophy can replace the teachings of how to rid ourselves of our tendency to vice. That doesn’t mean that some of them don’t have valuable insights into interesting questions, but not being connected to The Source means being disconnected from Wisdom which is the only path to separating the wheat from

You were almost on your way to making a salient point, and then you went full performance piece.

Lying is the easiest vice for a truly evil person, and *ALL* of Trump’s people are evil.

I’m re-posting this here from a reply I made elsewhere in this comment section that will likely not see the light of day.

and if there actually is a deity listening to all this pious preening, it hasn’t seen fit to do a damn thing to intercede.

Your estimate of 25% is *FAR* too low. The GOP only attracts sociopaths who are callous, lying hypocrites bent on upping their own power at the expense of those they deem lower themselves, which is everyone else.

Your mouse button is on the fritz. As soon as I replaced my mouse, my double-posting problem disappeared.