crazy among the insane

If you’re going to come onto Jezebel and mansplain breastfeeding, you’re going to get some pushback. Opening with the boob joke and closing with “... a year of breastfeeding is enough.” is just asking for it.

What else do you have to say about this subject, Jezebel man?

Thanks for the chuckle, my friend.

You can stop projecting your wife’s feelings about you any time!

Wow, you people are mean.

Take the loss, man. Nobody wanted manpinions on breastfeeding.

Yeah, take that, moms who can’t nurse!

Oh, it’s your WIFE’S opinion that’s bad? That changes everything!

You could have just... not posted, and gone on with your day, but now we gotta drag you.

Maybe you should be less of a smarmy creep.

Pumping into plastic is not as pure as straight-from the nipple.

I feel that you should stop telling others what to say and not say.

Your logic is unsound.

Not if it actually increases your risk of flu or resporitory illness.

Thats because they trust for-profit corps, which I find to be the pinnacle of idiocy, even worse than believing Trump or the GOP.

Why would you ever trust your health to a for-profit corporation?

Did the corp who produced it make a profit? Of course they did.

You also cant force anyone to undergo a medical procedure they dont want to get, because that would be fascist and evil, just like it is fascist and evil to prevent someone from getting a medical procedure they want.

How many for-profit corps care about your safety? My running tally is exactly and precisely zero.

As long as it aint cornhold, youre alright by me.