crazy among the insane

This is the correct explanation.

I get what you want, but the answers are No and No.

“I have never lied in my life.”

Thanks. Im glad someone caught that. That Jackson is on the fucking $20 says enough about America to foreclose immediately.

I just had a moron tell me that the Catholic Church’s sex abuse problem was caused by “liberalism”.

If all the royals disappeared tomorrow would the world have lost anything at all of value?

All I’m saying is don’t say, “Womp Womp”.

Someone ordered a Code Red.

He and his regime need to be separted from their power.

He is literally too stupid to know how stupid he is.

Nice point and lets not forget the fucking CTE.

Your lack of empathy is disturbing.

Thats the only R&S moment I remember except for one of them having a sentient fart. Brilliant.

I starred it because it sounded like a joke.

You should see my empty hand elephant technique.

I just cant believe you didnt make a Belgian Waffle joke, Mr. Waffles.

The important thing is to not waffle on it.

If Kanye being off his meds increases his visibility that might make his wife’s show more interesting to our vapid public.

Never forget that crazy people are the best lovers when theyre not being the worst.

Can I get a ruling here: Can I even star this?
— Conflicted, male and white but poor and kinda chuckling