crazy among the insane

The hat doesn’t matter nearly as much as the head and heart below it.

I can’t imagine what he was feeling inside.

I’d just like to give you a sincere “Thank You” for not putting the endlessly repeating mp4 on the main page, leaving it to the article itself.

No, Sir! We need you, my fellow passionate seeker of truth and justice!

Self delusion is the biggest threat any of us face

Kanye is not evil, just insane.

Trump should be in a nursing home

Who the hell is he talking to

Trump is the one winning here

Shit, Kanye boofs Ambien.

I dont think he used the word guy though.

If you think people won’t continue to make the same dumb mistakes their parents did, congratulations, you’re the idiot.

Most parents are too either too lazy to try or too stupid to think that what they did as a youngin was moronically reckless.

Prove that Kavanaugh is a rapist

I like Jimmy Buckets and there are fools galore.

The same country that gave a lifetime Supreme Court appointment to a man that claimed under oath that Boofing mean farting when he has a quote in his yearbook where his friend asks him, “Have you tried boofing yet?”

For anyone who has ever wondered what any song means, I suggest you watch SongExploder’s talk with Rivers Cuomo about their song Summer Elaine and Drunk Dori:

Awful mushroom junk
Keep that shit away from me
You cheating bastard

If they did not and just did it based on the hotel calling, it is hard to believe that would be enough to release the guy.

I just hope Bruce Willis’ character is wearing a life jacket at all times in this one, although one of those donut life-preservers would be funnier. Of course, they can’t mention it even once.