crazy among the insane

There’s no way to work a Rick Pitino joke in here, is there?

People are convicted of rape WITHOUT a second source.

I mean, at some point pranksters have to start outnumbering the belligerent morons, right?

His only recourse is to somehow work in a Youre fired!

Fantastic. Strange that Ive heard it called Diarrhea of the mouth”.

Not the best feeling Ive ever had giving a star, but I gotta admire your chutzpah.

Yeah, but if they just leave them there it would be a step in the right direction.

What standard should they use?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe that any NBA player has ever dunked on an entire organization before.

The really odd thing is that the insanity of this entire situation has left me utterly, inexplicably calm, in complete opposition to the truth of my handle.

Ignorance should have some limits

That face is why I don’t talk politics with my Trump-supporting family, because I dont like being in situations where I involuntarily make that face in order to suppress my desire to shout insults at the top of my lungs.

I keep saying: gay or straight, white or black, rich or poor, believer or atheist, EVERY SINGLE PERSON can be a piece of shit or a kind, loving member of a unified society.

Is it even possible to be bullied for being a bully?

Surely you mean “prosecuted by a jury of their peers after due process”.

The irony is that she and her entire crew of Nazi minions should be bullied.

While not even having the class to steal Mrs. Obama’s fashion sense.

How on earth GOP meth heads keep ...

Because he has the same driving gloves?

Your mouse button is broken. A $12 mouse immediately fixed my double-post problem.