crazy among the insane

Technically, you can poop in any suit.

In my senior year of high school we happened to be in the library and they put one of the mobile TV setups on so we could watch the Challenger takeoff.

Jack is being honest as it is very rare for a person to have direct knowledge of the truth (including the truth of people’s falsehoods).

You mean fuck people who arent them because were not them, my friend.

They ultimately know better and are essentially the biggest hypocrites on earth.

What drives all this business underground is the NCAA’s forced amateurism, which is a labor exploitation racket cynically grafted onto higher education, so that sleazy and unscrupulous nonparticipants can become rich off of it.

2) fucks the NCAA for some sort of lack of institutional control?

An honest man doesnt do that.

Thats why I specifically said, there is a chance.

It’s not wrong to wish for an unrepentant rapist to die of natural (and painfully horrific) causes.

That’s an honest man who has dealt with some bullshit in his life.

Because being a man is based upon your words and deeds and not by what you like to be called by others.

For the record, the Wolves have offered or plan to offer the max contract but Butler will turn it down........

I like it: Butler and Leonard would be one heckuva combination on both ends of the floor.

He was offered and turned down the max extentions. So?

Thats why I specifically said, there is a chance.

Well, its great for the landed gentry.

An aggro fan of one team using domestic violence as a way to trash talk an opposing team is shitty. And going out of your way to stand up for a dude accused of domestic violence is also shitty.

He’s not crazy, he’s righteously pissed-off that he has literally sacrificed his body for Thibs for years upon years and now he gets stabbed in the back by seeing two lazy young guys get huge contracts while he gets jack shit.

Kobe? I don’t miss garbage human beings, but I’m different like that.