crazy among the insane

Just like he should be, maaaaaaan.

This is the proper take, especially when combined with the fact that KAT and Wiggins got huge contracts and management won’t pay the guy who plays *HARD* every minute of every game and probably every practice, unlike those two yougins.

Hes quite good, but it is my understanding that his effort is millenial, if you know what I mean.


More like, “I’ll show them how asinine it was to pay those lazy ass ForkKnife fucks instead of a real baller such as myself.”

Hey, thats the bus the RR engineers take to work!

So did KAT and Wiggins. Until they got paid, that is.

Jimmy Buckets’ cousin from Telluride?

Twitter ain’t no man’s medium.

I can’t believe anyone here would side with Thibs and his destroy-his-players philosophy combined with giving half-assers like KAT and Wiggins huge contracts. But some of y’all do.

Lies never ruin anything.

Those with no regard for others must lie to keep from being pilloried by the society they are selfishly undermining pursuant to their own power.

What, was it Ambien glue?

Thanks for the clarification.

I still think I crossed a line.

That’s one fantastic marriage of visual and audio content.

Shit, Ill pucker up just watching Honnolds bad ass insanity.

One of those movies had a scene where the girl passes out and the boy has an “angel and devil on his shoulders” moment about whether he should rape her passed-out body (although rape was not the term used or implied, even though that was absolutely what was being “discussed).

While I would tend to agree with you, I would guess that the vast bulk of Amazon’s job openings are manual labor jobs and would thus be the focus of their AI hiring efforts, especially with those positions known high turnover rates.

Thanks for the laugh, especially if you did it on purpose ;-)