crazy among the insane

Its a Kavanaugh joke.

Man, that article housed the greatest commentariat rant of all time.

Hmm, I figured dude would already be covering his tracks by checking himself into rehab or something.

Lets party, Gritty. WHAT YOU GOT?!

I like how the rich dont care to read history.

Youre correct except for the kindler, gentler part.

Exactly how many Biffs aren’t assholes, Ms. Reese?

you’re making it pretty hard

Watch it? Ill fucking pay to watch it.

Really, like those giant incisors could actually maim anything but its own collarbone. Fucker would need a blender and a straw to consume anything.

In fairness,now does includefor forever.

Furthermore, it used to be illegal.

I think the guillotine is a better option with all the sponsorship possibilities Gillette et al can provide.

All that matters is that he’s fine with protecting and enabling child rapists in order for the coffers to remain full.

I love the My father and husband will one day go to jail for many years look on her face.

That is either a very subtly fine dig or a too-telling look into who you find attractive.

Kinja replied for you.

The lead in the tap water really is working.

Allow me quote Kyle Reese:

Saying “Our society contains intrinsic flaws that the current political environment has exasperated” doesn’t quite have the same gravitas as shouting “THIS SHIT IS FUCKED-UP YOU FUCKING DIPSHITS”.