crazy among the insane

As we march towards the ever-deepening chasm of global warming, the understanding will dawn on people how immoral it is to cook potable water and edible grains for the sole purpose of enabling people to forget their conscience for a few hours to oft horrific results.

Thanks, Hit Dang Thigh.

Calling some dude a teenage girl when he has that hair is rich.

Because Maine Coons are mean.

Evidently her kids gloves are boxing gloves.

Dont forget that Jimmy Butler definitely looks like a chess piece King.

I thought it was because people can easily see real porn now.

Never forget? I didnt want to know in the first place.

At what point do we look around and start banding together, though?

Hatred can never embrace positivity.

This article is nothing to be proud of. It’s shallow mockery, not poignant journalism exposing hypocrisy.

I literally don’t understand

So much for not being mean.