
If you don’t hate the Cardinals, maybe you’re the one who needs to see a doctor. Just not natural.

That’s the Cardinals Way!

It’s an impressive takeoff for sure. Not totally vertical though - it just looks that way based on camera angle, with the plane taking a steeper angle compared to the angle that the camera is pointed relative to the ground. I would like to know what the actual max climb angle is on this one, or see another shot from

Just watch the 2015 Google I/O keynote. Most of the “new” features of Android M are things that iOS has had for the past two versions.

So what do you guys want from them? They don’t have features found elsewhere, you bitch about it. They add the features you think they should have had a long time ago, you yell ripoff. They don’t upgrade hardware and you gloat because your android phone has more cores. the give a spec bump and you scream “THAT’S IT?

It's everyone else who's complaining.

Your password is “password” isn’t it?

lol u dumb


ITs also existed on OS X since before Windows 7 just was not as easy to work with.

Since when can an episode only have 1 thing happen? Jesus fucking Christ. Quit watching if you hate it.

Is that actually Megyn Kelly’s site? I’m not disagreeing with you, she’ll most likely be throwing them nothing but wiffle balls, but all the tweets keep quoting some woman named Krystal Heath. I think this is just some whackadoodle maintaining a website to make it look like it’s Megyn Kelly saying this shit.

So the contract killings were what, free market corrections?

You’re kind of missing the part where he put out hits on people and believed (erroneously as it was a sting) that he had successfully had more than one person killed.

Yea it’s obvious they don’t care. I mean, telling users how to fix an issue while they work on a permanent fix to a bug so obscure that the it’s shocking it was even discovered? The nerve of them! They should just keep quiet and hope no one notices.

I always have and will, for the foreseeable future, own an Android phone. But c'mon, the iPhone 4 is four years old. How many four year old Android handsets are running Kitkat? You're lucky to have year old Android phone running the latest software. There's a lot of reasons why I don't want an iPhone, but the

I just found that Yosemite will not be supporting my old Mac.

What Android phone from 4 years ago is running KitKat? That's right, there isn't one, as far as I know.

Cause you know Apple should be supporting a 4 year old cellphone....