
This is what it looked like...

God Brian McCann is the worst.

“Maybe it’s just an unwritten rule.” Great, let’s make football more like baseball. We should check with Brian McCann to get final judgement on this.

Isn't NOAA the same agency that predicted world-shattering hurricanes over the last several years and bupkus happened?

As another Pirates fan, Votto is absolutely my favorite non-Pirate. Guy is a machine (the active leader in OBP!) and he’s watched the team he’s played his whole career for go from “World Series contender” to “smoking wreck” in just two years. For his sake, I hope De Sclafani, Iglesias, Lorenzen, and the rest of their

The umpire calls a pitch that far outside, and Joey Votto is the story? There’s a reason he’s one of the best players in the game — he doesn’t swing at that bullshit.

mixed signals! (I know you can have your own opinions on topics)

I thought they were also allowing Windows 10 with the Edge browser...

I honestly like Apple’s approach to AI. Google gathers tons of information about you and that’s why Google Now works so well. If anyone can circumvent mass data collection but still offer me a great AI experience, it’s Apple.

Well they certainly needed a bigger reach considering Apple sold 5 times as many smartwatches in the last quarter than Android Wear watches were sold in all of 2014.

i dunno about the rest of you, but i’m using everytime there’s a shipping delay on my order.

Considering that the prosecutor who brought this case forward was an Obama appointed Democrat this doesn’t look like a partisan politics issue.

And the Clintons have always done a good job of facilitating them.

I’m a systems engineer. Many of my colleagues own iPhones because we just don’t want to deal with another computer that requires constant care and feeding. Stereotypes are for losers.

a massive El Nino eh?

Sports News Website Reports Sports News; Readers Outraged

The color is awkward - orange and reds show high levels of rainfall, not a lack of rain or of intense heat, as you might expect. The result is that the current situation in the US is exactly the opposite of what you’d think it is from a quick glance at the animation.

Its Insecurity. Honestly. It’s sad how much android users hate or envy and worry about Apple users.

Why do android users always have to read and comment negatively on an iPhone post? It boggles my mind. I never read an android post because I'm just not interested, and certainly not enough to comment on the post. Why do you care that someone uses/likes something that you don't?

It’s not that we’re pretending they are something new. We are just appreciating that they are now on a platform that actually works.