
The fact you’re so insecure in your OS choice that you need to ‘vent’ on a public forum is really all we need to know.

That didn’t quite go over the way you planned, did it?

Leave it to Android to make this way more complicated than it needed to be.

Was it complication when you tried it?

Uh, complications is a horology term describing anything beyond just hours and minutes... it’s not Apple’s term, they use it correctly.

I think it’s both.

Your mom called - she told me to tell you to come up from the basement, it’s time for dinner.

BS. No one can predict hurricanes - as evidenced by the ridiculously wrong doomsday predictions over the past 6 years.

I would consider those 16 punishments rather than freebies.

I was so happy to see Gruden leave the Bengals - and he seems to be in way over his head in Washington.

Watch the interview, he’s just as skilled at evading and bullshitting as he was in his last job.

How do you know when Jay Carney is lying?

Wait... Nimrod is actually a name?

Burnt to a crisp.

“but it is obviously taking some UI cues from Apple, too”

... and the cratering of Samsung’s mobile division continues.

Stopped at “The protest was perhaps clumsy”

“you’re so witty” /s

Using the term ‘Act’ above is being very generous.