
Clinton has maintained that the account contained no classified information, though in a June 29th memo obtained by the Times, inspectors general for the State Department and intelligence agencies said the account included “hundreds of potentially classified emails.” The State Department is currently reviewing 55,000

Dude, spare us. This was wrong no matter what team you root for.

This story is better researched than the Geithner outing!

I’m surprised he didn’t even make a quick point about TV blackouts for games played in publicly funded stadiums.

You’re about the only one who would.

I’m sorry, did you say $25,000?

(except grammar checking)

Don’t listen to her music and she’ll receive nothing from you.

My loyalties will always be with Wright.

but Apple really is a horrible horrible company in terms of how it treats musicians, artists, consumers, software developers, etc.

Oh, great.


That’s your favorite meme?

You’re worse than any Fox viewer thinking that site was her’s.

Don’t be so insecure with your choice of a mobile OS. It’s sad.

Would would anyone source stories (or even references from) Business Insider?

Curse you Obj-C is right - but Swift is the heir.

Middleditch is so goddamn funny.

“No video”? Out in the middle of public in front of the Louvre? Haha - whether he ‘smells like fresh grass’ or not - fuck him.

Dude, I despise Goodell more than anyone, but you’re fucking high.