crazedclay: SBC murderer

I was thinking of that parallel today, actually. In some cases perhaps Isis could even be considered worse. The Nazi's went after one group (at least to start). Isis is going after everyone who isn't them and I fear to think of a mass casualty event under their brutal watch..

My god, *that* looks like a truck too. You gifted bastard.

oh if only you knew how right you were.

I just ought not to have engaged. Taking time and effort I need for other things. That's what happens at four am when you wake up and check Oppo.

this seems to be the same friend as before. He seems special.

I'm rather certain that in it's infancy the technology wasn't quite there yet. When it was beginning to, say EV-1 territory, GM took them all back and crushed them. Whole movie dedicated to that debacle. So... Even back then, apparently quite a few people did want the tech.

Again, how did you come to this conclusion?

I'm sorry. I don't seem to follow your frame of reference. How are you making these determinations?

basically this. But spunk trumpets will spunk trumpet.

actually I'm not sure I saw a valid point whatsoever.

I tend to view this as genuine advancement, and not hype. But thank you for playing :)

Isis. What a trip. Extreme boiled down to the cream of extreme.

I can dig some of that, but not all of it. I hate using this word, disruption, but I believe that is what we are seeing. It's not that Tesla is boutique, it's that holy donkey balls some of the innovations will actually change the way we human. And that's worth taking the time to be an early adopter

I'm quite surprised that you purport to know what it is that I want or are motivated by.

Well I think that's just a tad presumptuous on your part. Can you inform me in plain language what part of supporting an innovative product from a new company would indicate enslavement? I think that's an accusation best levelled elsewhere-namely toward those others who continue to buy the same thing over and over

that's sort of irrelevant. What you are doing is willingly taking on a first gen product with the knowledge that it won't always be rosy and that your real world experience with the product will help the company produce the next one better and better.

Basically this. Everyone just loves to throw Stewart under the bus, but it took two to tango and it wasn't Stewart who initiated this particular dance.

Ehh, fuck thyself. The internet doesn't contain a "too soon" timezone.

I'm glad you added that last question. I figured you were serious.