Just ignore him, he's a dick in damn near every comment he makes.
Just ignore him, he's a dick in damn near every comment he makes.
Well, first off, kindly fuck off and go back under your bridge troll. Second, it's honestly not the worst thing that could happen. It seriously won't be that bad.
I'm trying to think of something intelligent to say by way of a reply to the fact-vacuum you just shat from your mouth.
Actual merit is irrelevant.
With Thursday morning brought the Oscar nominations, and though it's gotten huge praise, Selma received few nominations, and Ava DuVernay did not become the first black woman to be nominated for best director.
This is in Vegas.... If you don't approve of the objectification of women then you are not their target demographic. Know your demographic and sell to them, they are obviously doing that right it this is in Vegas.
I can't believe I'm going to come out of internet commenting retirement for this, but... I have to do this.
You don't understand why the place where you SPEND ALL THE TIME should be of at least acceptable quality? You don't drive your car from the roof.
Thanks for doing this Doug. As much as we don't want to hear of your disappointment, you did so in an entertaining and honest way over the past year. For that, we are all grateful, even if most won't admit it.
Well you see, You are still in the gray and I am not so apparently I am a more valuable contribution than you. If you ever want to escape that grey maybe be nice and not a sack of shit toward people asking questions about a design.
Thank you for choosing Zero Fucks Given bus line. Please remain seated, or hold the hand rail while the bus is in motion.
Maybe it's due to the MOTHERFUCKING TERMINATOR driving it.
Da fuckin cah is pahked ouside becaus da stoopid ding won't fit in da fuckin gahraj.
Thah fuckin caaar is paaaarked outside because it won't fit in the goddamn garaaage (say this with a Masshole accent)
Well 288 GTO literally translates to 288 Grand Touring Homologated... so it's a GT
100% agree. As a wise man once said, "If you can see shit, you're less likely to step in it."
Fast as fuck for the price of a riced Civic.
that and the Corvette Museum thing. Your answer, while joking is probably 100% accurate.
Honey, here's how this has-a-degree-in-women's-studies-feminist does it: swerves off the road, gets out in heel boots and skirt, looks around and kicks some snow, nice young man in truck pulls up, woman gives very well established 60-second assessment of man (decent, non-threatening, nice, wanting to score man points,…