
I didn’t know Nordstrom even carried Ivanka Trump’s line.* I just assumed that TJ Maxx had an exclusive on Ivanka’s line because every time I’m there, I see racks and racks of her fugly clothes, untouched by the masses.

Mike Pence is pretty much the defecto leader of the American Taliban. Her blonde hair helmet is essentially the burqa of rich, white women.

I dunno. I kinda want to see Dennis Skinner have a go at Trump. It would be pretty entertaining.

If Trump thinks he has it bad over here, it is going to be 10x worse over there. The public is allowed to get ridiculously close in England, the first thing he will see out the window of AF1 will be protests and every second on the ground will be people yelling at him. He will be forced to see the hatred for him.

America was already great, you twit. Quit acting like you Trump voters care about minority, black, or womens issues. You are fooling *no one*.

Yeah. Boo, and shame on the media for playing tape of the man you voted for, without prompting, saying racist, bigoted, sexist, hate-filled, xenophobic things. Totally the media’s fault.

GTFO - the blood is on your hands.

Hi! Go fuck yourself!!

And the Nazis are renowned for honoring the pacts and treaties that resulted from the various talks. /s

Yes because talking to Nazis in the 20s and 30s really convinced them of the errors or flaws in their argument.

Remember we should respect their beliefs too...

I have nothing clever or insightful to say in response to this besides, “go fuck yourself”.

Apparently, Trump’s team drafted the executive order without any consultations with the Department of Justice and other federal departments directly effected by it. They don’t even know who wrote it. Everyone from top ranking officials to customs agents at airports were freaking out because they had no notice of this

My guess is you’re also a fiscal conservative who doesn’t recognize the cost of unwanted children, the corresponding spike in crime rates, the deaths of women who dont have abortion access, the fact that abortions don’t decrease when abortion is inaccessible or illegal, and you’re probabaly against universal

My heart is broken by this. And I’m furious.

You’d think he’d know this by now. He’s had three weddings.

Apparently eight years under a black president turned white middle America into the most oppressed and systemically failed group in American history.

It’s difficult to overstate just how awful this speech was. That’s two times now (Republican Convention and inauguration) that Trump has had the chance to stand before a nation that includes many people nervous at the prospect of his presidency and deliver reassuring remarks that were prepared and rehearsed ahead of

thats how its done in fascism.

“Democracy is just overrated,” one with a high crew cut and thick arms said to the other smaller one. “What if we just restricted voting to taxpayers, or to property owners, or heads of households?”