
‘Could Donald Trump do anything to lose their support? “No,” Dawn replied.’

Thank you. You FIGHT nazis, you don’t reason with them.

Now playing

For all the nice nice liberals wringing their hands about the battlefield of ideas... You can’t. They’re Nazis. They subscribe to an explicitly violent ideology. You don’t talk a Nazi into not killing people.

Punching Nazis shouldn’t be illegal. It’s a goddamn American pastime, ffs.

YEAH. Eat that, you Nazi piece of shit. Get the hell out of my country.

These fuckers are so fucking fragile.

moving the press out of the west wing and into the OEOB also revokes their access to West wing staffers. The pass you get for oeob doesn’t necessarily get you in, and those casual conversations are a major source of news. The press corp is going to have to be unified in their opposition to this, because this is

That is really chilling. There is now a view that questioning or challenging someone’s point of view is the same as personally attacking them. Hence, his comment about them being the opposition party will play well among Trump’s base.

That literally sent a chill down my spine. What was he saying about Nazi Germany?

Challenge for the next 4 years: Find a story about Donald Trump where ‘this is horrifying’ is not a context appropriate descriptor of what is happening.

The full quote is more chilling and makes what this is about much more explicit, I think:

I had to go create a burner to comment because I’m paranoid. If my family ever found out about the abortion I had three years ago, I probably wouldn’t have much of a family left. Although they are idiots when it comes to this topic, they’re my idiots and I love them.

I’ll be watching the queerest thing I can. In fact I had 2 new years resolutions. To be even more queer and to nap more.

“We’re loading a gun here,” Rep. Tom MacArthur of New Jersey said, according to the Associated Press. “I want to know where it’s pointed before we start the process.”

I’m having a hard time feeling any sympathy for Trump voters who get health benefits via the exchange or who receive Medicare/Social Security who seem stunned that the continuation of these benefits is now in real jeopardy. I feel sorry for everyone smart enough not to vote for Trump who will lose access to these

Everybody in the comments feeling bad for Ivanka........guess what, you’ve proven your inability to resist propaganda. They just recontextulized her as “just a mom trying to fly with her family.” And you are sucking it up. My god people. Have a cup of coffee and use some critical thinking. Coach? Jet Blue? No part of

Seriously. Let’s not forget:

Fuck her and her three small children.