
If you don’t think that any of those outcomes are a distinct possibility, you are naive.

*Eyeroll* racist white people thinking: Police are nice to me, so it must be them brown peoples’ faults they keep getting shot/harassed/beaten up by police.

Wait I kept being told that 45 was great for LGBTQ?

Fuck off.

And when you think you’re done fucking off, fuck off even further. Fuckhead.

If only we could deport people like internet commenter embraceyourinsectoverlord and everyone else who refers to human beings as “illegals” (and likely also “blacks”, “gays”, and everyone darker than pristine white as “Mexicans”).

Just the brown ones, apparently. Has there been any effort to kick out all those Irish kids who overstayed their student visas?

The first step in ethnic cleansing, is to dehumanize people by using terms like “illegals.” They are human beings, with families and feelings. Unlike you, who is a thoughtless pig fuck, who is no doubt unloved and a miserable twat.

Eat all the dicks, please.

Dunno if you noticed, but we often come here to find out what’s going on and coordinate resistance. So once again: fuck the fuck off.

Do find for me the person she victimized, go on. Show me how this cost them $1,343 and show me how that’s worthy of deportation.

Fuck you.

She probably paid more taxes these last 8 years than President Trump too, but she’s the bad one for lying...ok. We see you racist shit stains.

Can we kick trash like you out and keep these people? Society doesn’t need deplorables.

She came over at 14. Do we charge her as a child? Do we even know if she had a choice at that age? If she didn’t, would you prefer she just not work at all once she became an adult?

Yes, if you think the “proper” penalty for having come to America illegally as a minor is forcible deportation, after someone has lived, worked, gotten married, had children, and paid taxes here for 22 years, you have a pretty fucked up set of priorities.

Well I hope you are just as angry about the President who doesn’t pay taxes, last time I checked that also was a law right? At least stay consistent with your outrage at the law breakers.

Wow. Aren’t you a horrible piece of shit. You see a woman who has lived in this country since she was 14, being deported in front of her children and all you can think about is “breaking the law”. When laws are more important than human beings, then the laws are nothing more than oppression. Don’t hide behind the

Oh fuck you with a rusty crowbar for this bullshit. You’re a fucking sociopath if you’re unable to have some empathy for this woman and think that this is both a good thing for the country and a good way to use ICE resources.

is the proper penalty for an incredibly minor infraction to be exiled?
if you’ve ever parked crookedly, i hope they kick you out of the country.

Or even the 2008 SSN thing - there are going to be shitbirds being like “but she broke the law by giving a false number!” She gave a false number because she had to. You’d do the same thing. Take several seats.