

Weird, this is how I "talk" to my cats.

even motherfuckin' orchestras! orchestras?!!

but does it pass the Bechdel test???

Yeah, but, what is she hiding underneath her hat??!!

Puerto Rico was the only place I was able to find balance between clomping and chilling. Lots of historical stuff in Old San Juan but beaches at a resort east of Humacao. El Yunque was a great size for a national forest. Small enough to see a lot without driving or walking all day. A little bit of walking and then

I love travelling in winter months! Southern Spain was still pretty warm in February when I did a cross-country tour a few years ago. Have seen Japan and Paris in the snow. Que bonita!

I've seen this film over 30 times. Every time I see something new. The music, the editing, the casting...all sublime. I especially love the older, accomplished actors and actresses who get to do stuff against type for older people.

I'll likely never marry but I love the idea of a champagne/rose dress.

Where's the bill making people wait 2 days before having a tooth pulled? Where's the bill making people wait 2 days before having their appendix taken out? I'm not going to be able to sleep at night knowing people can be having stuff taken out of their bodies willy nilly.

I give you a class ring and raise you cornydog

I have really great workouts when I focus on how much I hate Senator Cornyn. Really helpful on the rowing machine!

I've got half-eaten tubs of Peppermint and Vanilla Bean. They're not going anywhere except to my tum-tum.

Sounds like he is master-baiting

My Conservative uncle in St Louis loves him. Blargh

For Becca Page's story I was curious if she could actually see the school name/mascot on the ring. Texas A & M alumni love to wear school rings for their university. Governor Perry wears his school can see it in his pics. I didn't know anyone at UT, SWT or Tech who got rings for university.

Most likely it's because they are at the end of the dry county/city line. They tend to bunch up when they are excluded from an area. My suburb only legalized alcohol sales last year. We used to have to pop over to the next county. So you'd get multiple stores on the other side of the highway or the railroads

Such a great mascara! No clumping just really long lashes. So sad it's discontinued in the states. :' ' ' ' (

Such a great mascara! No clumping just really long lashes. So sad it's discontinued in the states. :' ' ' ' (

Joke's on her, Presbyterians and Disciples of Christ perform same-sex weddings. So she can't claim Christians are against gay people marrying.

The double standard I see with businesses having a so-called religious freedom to discriminate is that they apply it indiscriminately. Why don't they have a list where they can have all of the things their religion is against? Lying? Divorce? Working on the Sabbath? Taking God's name in vain? They should be