Cray Cray Supercomputer

Sneak King was great. My headcanon is that it represents diarrhea. You never know when or where, but it will sneak up and surprise you. It’s probably watching you now, planning it’s time to strike. And it may well have something to do with Burger King.

Mac and cheese wasn’t part of Thanksgiving for me growing up, but it was for a lot of people. You’ll almost always see some staples like mashed potatoes on the table, but there’s a lot of variation, too.

Random strangers are supposed to risk being mauled to get her phone back, duh.  I mean, it's just their life and safety, but it's her _phone_!

This place is really remote. You apparently have to drive 40 miles North AND 12 miles South to get to the next closest gas station. Most cars aren’t stretchy enough to cover 52 miles!

Good point—we should never forget that in addition to being a terrible actor, Wahlberg is also a terrible person.

No dishonorable mention for Milky Way, the candy with the absolute worst ads? They seen to think that their customers are the utter and unrepentant dregs of society.

“Those union assholes that got exactly what was coming to them--I mean, that got killed weren't murdered.  They died in legitimate business accidents!"

We’re not corrupt, we're just completely incompetent and shouldn't be anywhere near positions of authority.  Also, I was lying about the not being corrupt part."

“I went into the bathroom, looked into the mirror, and said “District Attorney” three times, but you didn’t appear! What more could I do?”

Holland is younger than I picture Drake, and I haven’t seen him do the cynicism called for, but I’m willing to give him a shot.

I always wondered why there weren’t Halloween Peeps called Creeps that were meant to look like ghosts, bats, etc. Seems like low-hanging fruit.

Third gear:

The goddamn cops and the Punisher skulls. If they knew anything about the Punisher, they’d know he wouldn’t be on their side. Bad cops that abuse people would be on his list.

Is there some site or there that keeps track of all the discontinued Taco Bell items?  It would be interesting to look back and see what I remember.

The temperature is my main hangup. I’d give it a try if I could get a nice hot cup. I’ve never cared for cold coffee... it always seems like I’m accidentally drinking the dregs of yesterday's cup that I left out overnight.

It’s a good thing they went through Brexit to avoid all those onerous, nonsensical regulations, right?  Britain can handle their own onerous, nonsensical regulations, than you very much!  And they can do it while exercising their bigotry and lying about the NHS!  

The assholes (including several in this thread) claiming that we should ignore COVID and just go about business as usual are the reason this pandemic continues. They won’t make the slightest effort (stay in if possible, wear a damn mask when around others), they just keep incubating newer, nastier strains.

That puts me in a weird position, because I don’t care about racing and tend to enjoy articles about other vehicle-related topics, including politics. So I _should_ tell you to stick to... Nah, can’t do it.

In The Matrix it’s mentioned that the first simulated reality the machines put humans in was designed to be a perfect life, but people rejected that because it didn’t seem real. They had to recreate a tedious, difficult lifestyle for people to accept it as reality.

Yeah, but Musk is well-known to be an inveterate liar. You can’t believe anything he says, tweets, has a hand in marketing for, etc. He’s either lying or whining about people calling him on his lies wherever he says anything.