Cray Cray Supercomputer

I had these in my Saturn and they annoyed the heck out of me. I can (and do) buckle my own seatbelt, thanks. I don’t want to wait for the car to realize I want to get out and slowly start to comply, and I don’t want anything I picked up to carry out of the car to be pushed into the steering wheel by the annoying

Do you want to be like the most annoying P&R character? Just say words that means mean things instead of baby-talk nobody can or wants to understand.

There’s a lot of New Englanders that drown out the facts about Dunkin’s lousy fare with protestations of love.  Really loud New Englanders.

Yeah, she forgot that she had a previous commitment to continuing to get work, so it just didn't work out.

I don’t know why people bought them new, but a lot of my friends drove used Cutlasses in the 90's because they were plentiful, cheap, and relatively reliable. 

Look out. I suggested that and a bunch of jackasses came out of the woodwork furious at the idea of jerks facing consequences for their actions.

My cats know dinner time (around 8PM), too, but they start to stare at _me_ starting an hour before, not the food station.

You’re definitely the asshole here. I suspect you’re the asshole wherever you go. How about you go be an asshole somewhere else?  

Yeah, I’m spoiled because I think assholes should be called out as assholes. I understand very well what’s going on here.

It doesn’t do anything in a Beetle, maybe, but did you even try it in a Bettle before you wrote it off?

If they want to pay a lot more than they need to and deal with a completely unreasonable dealer, maybe. Tom is not an idiot and doesn’t seem like he likes his time wasted, so is he going to go into the dealership to have his time wasted to get a quote, since they won’t do it on the phone?

Yeah, it’s because I’m curious, not because this is a shitty dealer that will screw people over.

Yes, this dealer seems great to work with and I’m sure Tom will be doing many deals with them in the future.

It’s easy to understand why Tesla wasn't invited, Elon. It's because nobody wants you there ruining the party and trying to make it all about you.  Plus, you know, you're a pedo guy.

Why not name the dealer in these situations to warn the public about them?  I imagine they'll try to sue you for telling the truth, but aren't facts still protected speech?  I know the last administration tried to end that, but they didn't actually get it done.

He always comes across as likeable and down to earth in interviews, but he does not tend to appear in good movies. As soon as I see Butler is in a movie, I assume it’s going to be hot garbage.

You are absolutely wrong. The unvaccinated are a danger to everyone.

Except for Nintendo.  Kotaku has always been first in line to drink the Nintendo kool-aid.

They covered a gamer doing something unusual and (depending on perspective) somewhat amusing. Kotaku didn’t say anything bad about the game. Chiba said some unkind things about Amazon (and one about the game melting GPUs), but all of those things are true.