Cray Cray Supercomputer

Do you work for Fox “News”? Normally right-wing propaganda trumpets are the only place I see that kind of deliberate failure to understand so a straw man can be built.

I’m not sure what you’re looking for. I mean, it’s a cartoon. A _Dan Harmon_ cartoon. It will only ever have as much continuity and character development as it needs to make the next joke or deconstruct the next trope.

Don’t bother with this one. You’ll never get a reasonable discussion out of them, just a lot of reheated Fox News bad takes.

The Guyver was terrible, but I think Hamill enjoyed it.  He was a military brat and used to read the Guyver manga when his family was in Japan.  I think he was having a blast being in a property he loved, even if it wasn't the best adaptation.

You made some big promises:

There was a portable version of this, or at least a similar idea. The Aura Interactor was basically a backpack with speakers inside. You could plug into any headphone jack (it was marketed as a video game accessory, but worked with any audio source) and the speakers would kind of thump along in a pitiful way.

You’re living in a fantasy world.

Field Roast makes my favorite vegetarian patties, too. I started seeing them at my local supermarket a couple of years ago, but they could have been around longer before I noticed. I believe they’re producing the imitation pepperoni that Little Caesars is planning, as well.  If their other products are as good as the

I will sometimes get the craving for a bag of Jalapeno Cheetos and bad break room coffee. These are both pretty bad things to put in one’s mouth, and let me tell you, they do not elevate each other. Yet somehow I will occasionally, voluntarily indulge in just that combination.

There are vehicles mentioned in the headline. Car-related crimes are often covered here (with less whining about how they shouldn’t be), and this reported a vehicle-related crime. You’re not supposed to ride in the back of those box trucks (the ones mentioned in the headlines. The reason that people are getting upset

Yours is better. I was going to go with

So in order to stay open minded, I don’t reject propaganda and censorship? I’m supposed to cheer on the guy insisting that reality shouldn’t be covered? You think nodding along with calls to ignore reality that isn’t complementary to fascists is how to be fair?

I can cover your mistakes, but I doubt you’ll understand even if I use small words.

Wow, you have terrible reading comprehension. You got... everything wrong.  It's almost impressive.

Gee, whiny Muskovites, it almost seems like EVs catching on fire is just a topic that’s of interest here on Jalopnik, and _not_ a crusade against Tesla after all, doesn’t it?

So don’t click. Nothing says you have to read an article that doesn’t interest you. I skip sometimes 10 articles in a row because they’re all about motorsport and I don’t give a crap about motorsport. I don’t stamp my feet and scream that they shouldn’t be allowed to write about motorsport, I just skip those articles.

I have zero interest in motorsport.  I think it's all pretty stupid and boring.  So I tend not to read those articles.  I don't whine and bitch and demand that those stories don't appear on the site.  That would make the feed more streamlined to my interests, but I'm not a narcissist that tries to control what is

Ugh. You don't excite _anyone_.  Get real.

I think he plays Switch on his subway/bus commute, and has gotten so used to it that he needs an uncomfortable chair with lots of people passing by to properly get into the game. The hallway is the closest thing he has to that situation in the house.

Probably because he’s such a racist bootlicker piece of shit. He's probably trying to figure out how to dismiss comments that aren’t replying to him and starting to cry right now.