Cray Cray Supercomputer

Sure, lay an oversized slice across your forearm and hand with just the point overhanging, do that weird reverse crane arm/ ninja turtle thing to dangle the point into your mouth (but don’t let cheese touch you! Create a forcefield around the cheese until it leaves your body!) so you can support the whole thing from

Typical. Another Tesla Hit Piece where facts that actually happened are reported. There’s not one mention of how Stable Genius Elon Musk invented rockets and the electric car. Not once is he credited as our dear leader and giver of the Kool Aid! It makes me so mad that I have to use Random Capitalization to express my

Take a pizza with very heavy toppings and cut half of it into wedges and half into squares. You will see that a smaller square is less floppy than a large wedge. Same pizza, cheese, toppings, but the square is less floppy.

They still sell MSG as a seasoning. I have it in my spice rack, because I don’t have a sensitivity to it, and it makes savory flavors more delicious.

Hold On To The Magic:

Dr. Oz, TMZ, Mark Whalberg, Kris Jenner... The Earth needs to open up and swallow everyone in this article.

I was a teen/young adult in the 90's, and a lot of my friends drove used Eighty-Eights and Cutlasses. They were pretty cheap to buy and run, developed quirks but kept running. They were relatively comfortable, seated 5 teens pretty easily. They were solid, reliable cars, if not in any way exciting... unless you did rea

Locked, from the inside. That can only mean one thing. And I don’t know what it is."

If you actually read my reply, all of this is covered. First of all, the quote was about wedge-cut pizza being unable to hold up heavy toppings like a tavern-style (square cut) pizza.

When I met him, your father was already a great pilot. Of course, he’d never flown higher than a few feet off the ground and the first time he was in a space ship he accidentally kidnapped himself and blew up the (luckily enemy) ship he blundered ass-backward into, but sure... Great pilot.

You had one bad pizza, so the entire Midwest has no good pizza? I had a Domino’s Brooklyn-style and it was lousy, so NY has no good pizza, right?

It really isn’t difficult... You pick it up with your fingers. You get some oil from the cheese on your fingers, sure, but you do with a floppy NY-style wedge, too.  If you really can't figure it out, use a knife and fork.

If you avoid any place that square-cuts by default in the Twin Cities, you’re denying yourself many of the best options.

That’s why we love David. He’s got plenty of brains, but makes all his decisions with his heart. Sure, it usually ends with his brain having to figure a way out of whatever mess his heart has gotten him into, but that makes for interesting reading!

And constant, nonsensical digressions—nobody does digressions better, a lot of people say. “The best digressions,” they all say. “Nobody does it better” and I know it’s true, but what they don’t like is when the lying haters fake media lie and say I ramble and get lost and don’t have the slightest clue what is

That’s the Shyamalanian twist in part 5... David died in the pass and now his spirit haunts (and blogs from) the Chevy truck.  That exhaust noise he mentions... You can hear it sometimes even when the truck is parked, and it sounds a lot like an engineer rumbling happily to himself about a good drivetrain.

A The Sims take on A Christmas Carol would probably be interminable at feature length, but could be a pretty hilarious short.

I can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to see the 1951 Alastair Sim version mentioned. That's still the definitive film adaptation.

If you ever find yourself telling people how and if they’re allowed to enjoy something, I strongly urge you to immediately stop what you’re doing and think very seriously about whether you want to be _that_ guy.  

It’s good that there are so few people around today, because that picture just made me go all Homer Simpson at my desk.