Don’t you interject your corporate toady politics into this discussion. Stick to video games.
Don’t you interject your corporate toady politics into this discussion. Stick to video games.
“There’s an element called Eternium? I love it.”
Does having a mask seared onto your face count as tight clothing, or does that fall into the category of eyeglasses and such?
Tell her that you're too busy to do a party, but if she buys into your timeshare, you'll have plenty of time to talk while you shush down the slopes!
Exactly--I don't want to mix my work with my hobby!
He really could have! But he wouldn’t think to, because self-knowledge isn’t a strong suit in the Belcher family—they regularly prove to be better people than they believe themselves to be.
Bob is an artist. He’s a poet of meat and grease, and he decided a long time ago that his artistic integrity is more important than success. As long as he can scrape by while keeping true to his vision, it’s enough.
I love the idea of mobile apps, but they’re ruined by the way stores handle them. If I place my order and wait until the notice that the food is ready, I expect that the food will be ready. Instead, they won’t start making the food at all until you’re standing at the counter or at the drive-through speaker, which…
Fast food apps are pointless. You can order and wait until they say it's ready for pickup, but they won't even start making the food until you're at the counter or drive-thru anyway.
Who could forget the stirring scene under the moonlight where HBOmeo-Max crept to JuliNetflix’s DM’s to pitch woo and Game of Thrones spinoffs.
The only thing being treated a new information is that Dennis slipped that "he" made Maureen's death look like an accident. The Dennis is a Serial Killer episode is linked when discussing this scene, that's why the link isn't included again, later, in your quoted section.
It’s like the Christian music scene: if you don’t have enough talent to make it in the regular industry, cram a bunch of pious phrases in and rake in the dough.
He fucked his wife’s underage daughter. I don’t have trouble believing that someone creepy and evil enough to do that would rape children.
You don’t think grooming his wife’s daughter to be his sex partner is deviant?!?
It’s even crazier how many people are coming in to clarify that _technically_ he didn’t formally adopt her. Who the fuck cares? He was in a parental role and groomed his wife’s daughter to be a sex partner. That is disgusting even without a signed adoption form.
I wish I lived in your dimension, where all the GamerGaters died on the way back to their home planet 2 years ago. In my reality those assholes are still around being toxic little man-babies about all kinds of subjects beyond just video games.
I think you may have an unrealistic set of expectations for the show, because I feel like “zanier & zanier adventures that really don’t amount to much” is what they’re going for. With humor and biting commentary along the way.
The toxic R&M fans and the GGers are the same people and can safely be lumped in together with other groups of assholes and d-bags for mockery and scorn, just as this episode did.
In England there is a law that video of Parliament cannot be used by an entertainment program, only news. When Last Week Tonight airs an episode that features clips of Parliament, the British version replaces the Parliament clips with Gilbert Gottfried reading Yelp reviews with no explanation at all.
“It was all a misunderstanding! I told my assassin goon squad to kill him with_kindness_, but they misheard. I told them to kill, dismember, and disappear him with_kindness_!"