Cray Cray Supercomputer

Do you find yourself regularly beached on parking lot landscaping? Do people keep zooming past you on the right while gesturing angrily? Are you filled with anxiety over that stalk in your string column that doesn’t seem to do anything other than make a clicking sound?  There is answer for you; ask your doctor about

Can we add the Urbans to make it a battle royale?

Yeah, but this is Cisco we’re talking about. Do you think there’s any gadget in his home that he _hasn’t_ connected to the Internet? And also possibly switched over to being powered by a miniature onboard fusion reactor?

I’m American (sorry; I wasn't consulted about it), and I thought of pills when I heard that, too.  It might be more an age thing than national origin. We... We might be old.

She got some Winn Schott Special gear before he left. She also has a glove that will pull her gun back into her hand if it gets knocked away.

I immediately suspected Granny Goodness, too. I hope not, though... I've always found Darkseid and Apokolips and the New Gods stuff tiresome.

I would never describe Rick Roll—sorry, Rip Roar (wow, that’s even more stupid!) as a man with four arms. I’d describe him as a guy with a tentacle-backpack. Or off-brand Doc Ock.

Isn’t her “plan” to end deception and lying because she’s so upset she couldn’t see an obvious secret that was right in front of her? Because lying and deceiving to get there is a little ride on the old hypocracy wagon there, Lena.

SUPERwingwoman! Able to casually introduce friends to cute strangers faster than a speeding bullet*. Can talk up your achievements in a single bound. A tireless defender of truth, justice, and not going home alone tonight.


Taco Bell had great toys!  The Star Wars ones were great, but my absolute favorite were the The Tick cartoon to-ins.

Thawne (as Wells) left Star Labs to Barry in his will.

Europe also has well-developed mass transit systems, though. The U.S. has always considered mass transit borderline socialist and made sure our systems were pathetically substandard like the good little capitalists we are.

Ha, it’s funny... I have the opposite reaction for the same reason. As a lifelong vegetarian, I ate at White Castle for the first time this year to try the Impossible slider (found out they also have a decent conventional veggie patty), and my reaction was that finally, I found a place that uses enough onion!

The terrible rape jokes and doubling-down them would have put me off Tosh if I had ever been able to stand him.

People saying they won’t support homophobia is fascism? That’s all that a protest is— people voicing their opinion. But apparently that’s as bad as murdering thousands of Jews.

When that happens the phone should immediately be taken and inserted into the offender until the light from the screen is no longer visible.

I feel like Kal Penn is just insufferable full stop.  I've never seen him be sufferable, anyway.

I wish they’d released the rest of the the Powerless episodes like they are with this. I thought it was just starting to gel when they axed it, and it had such potential!

This is what I don’t get about people calling for musical episodes all the time.