So, you're pissed that a griefer wasn’t able to wreck a camp they way they wanted to? Do you have a charity for bullies that are stopped from giving wedgies, as well?
So, you're pissed that a griefer wasn’t able to wreck a camp they way they wanted to? Do you have a charity for bullies that are stopped from giving wedgies, as well?
Well, telescope presently. But if the Hulk throws it into orbit? Satellite!
I rarely drive enough in one stretch to worry about the range on a BEV. My problem is that I’m in an apartment and there’s no way for me to charge at home. Until apartment buildings start supporting BEV charging there’s a lot of people who just aren’t going to consider one.
I hear you. I just want to start the car and AC/heat before I buckle up. I don’t need Nanny Beep screaming at me about it
I’m going to look into this, honestly. Not because I drive without a seatbelt, but because I like to start my car and get the HVAC going before I buckle in, and Hyundai’s patented Most Annoying Sound In The World begins even before the engine turns over.
Oh, add in Tom Hanks and have them all be affable at each other. At the end they can't decide who was more affable, because they're all sure it was the others
I find Curling oddly fascinating, so if ESPN+ has that it'll be worth the penny for me.
They’re basically the human version of housecats. They generally don’t mean any harm, but their perception of the world is weird and immediate with no concept of future or consequences, and they’re prone to breaking things and making messes, intentional or not.
This is where I fell on this one, too. I wouldn’t even consider buying it, but for someone that’s into Fieros, this would hold a lot more appeal. Calling it a CP seems like I’d be saying it’s not a NP for anyone.
If you think that a re-shrinkwrapped box will fool anyone, go ahead and give it a try.
I’m sure that will fool all the collectors and appraisers. You won't wind up in prison for fraud at all. Good luck being rich and definitely not incarcerated.
Don’t forget the wristband you get at the gate. Nintendo cardboard that’s slightly folded is worth $80 right there. That's value!
I’ve certainly noticed that at Chipotle. Their industrial chic design is all about hard, flat surfaces for sound to bounce off of. Gotta turn over those tables, I guess.
No, he said the _opposite_ of the scene from Cliffhanger. No women get eaten by a shark in Cliffhanger, so the opposite is that someone does get eaten by a shark.
Most of us will also never, ever travel in time in our lives, but we still discuss whether or not we would kill baby Hitler. What’s your problem with considering hypothetical ethical situations?
That was exactly what I thought! Charismatic action stars butting heads while doing crazy actions scenes, completely unhindered by attempt at a compelling or even coherent plot. It's not what I want in a movie all the time, but sometimes it's exactly what I want.
I’m not a lawyer, but there has to be something this asshole can be charged with. Fraud, theft of service, something. Since he did this through the Internet, doesn’t wire fraud and federal culpability enter into the picture? He should do some jail time and then have his wages garnished forever to pay back his victims.
“sorry New Delhi, no Budweiser for you for a while.”
So what’s your fucking problem? Don't watch and you won't be scandalized by the existence of a female body.
It’s too bad they send someone to put a gun to your head and make you watch. If only you could just not watch if it makes you clutch your pearls, but you are absolutely _forced_ to stare at their cleavage and judge them.