Cray Cray Supercomputer

That’s how it _should_ work. Streaming people in a public restroom _should_ end a streaming career instead of earning a pathetic slap in the wrist. Committing treason, insulting POWs, and racist tantrums _should_ have gotten Dolt 45 removed from office in disgrace.

It’s weird how sexual you think a baby eating is. If you’re turned on by a boob with a baby on it, that’s not her problem, and it's not the baby's problem.  That’s your problem.

Share an order with 8 or so friends?

Leading off with Nov. 1st, National Stomach Upset day. It’s going to happen anyway, whether it’s from the chocolate or the excessive drinking, or both. Might as well get some Alka Seltzer and Tums branding on it.

With the way Musk/Tesla like to enable dangerously irresponsible behavior, in sure there’s somewhere you can place an orange to enable this while driving.  Sorry, while "driving".

I figured on “The sure knowledge of my fellow film-goers that the cold endless void is still there, waiting for them, calling to them, even as they try to drown it out by giving themselves over to another, carefully crafted reality. Like a frazzled parent jangling keys for an infant, their attempts at distraction are

To the idiot Trump-humper trying to say CNN is a propaganda network like Fox:

Every time you move all your ammo sloshes out. Also, a lot more people used to smoke cigarettes, and cigarettes and sloshing gasoline guns is an exciting but dangerous combo.

It’s better than the endless Brayden/Kayden/Jayden/Hayden/Schmaden nonsense that we get here in the U.S. lately.

Wait, you think the explanation in the update makes this *less* of a mystery? Sure, now we know that someone carried the burger from CA and dropped it in NY, but... Who does that?

So anything that isn’t meat is bad? That’s supposed to be the “joke”?

Show us what was said in this article that was factually incorrect. Go on.

Yeah, if they factually report all the stupid things Musk says and does, it makes him look bad, the pedos!

Maybe this will get people to clean the snow off the roof of their cars before driving in winter?  No?  Oh well.

I’m going to build my own easter egg, with blackjack and hookers!

And after all these years, he’s still got it!  It” being a face that you instantly want to punch.

I wanted the machines to win in T2, just so they'd kill that annoying, snot-nosed little punk.

Throwing shells on the floor would earn a record-scratch and everybody turning to stare at you, aghast, in almost any location.

Right... He doesn’t believe in licking his fingers, but it’s fine to take something he’s been chewing out of his mouth and peel at it?  I don't get it.

They screen out people with human decency at the academy, as it’s not a trait the cops find desirable. Just like they do for intelligence.