Yeah, they better watch out or they're going to make games about cartoon characters running left to right defeating cartoon enemies by jumping in their heads silly.
Yeah, they better watch out or they're going to make games about cartoon characters running left to right defeating cartoon enemies by jumping in their heads silly.
Eggs (the ones sold as food) aren’t embryos, because they were never fertilized. They’re a chicken’s period.
“I make busses. No, I, no, paint, I paint. Busses and I paint the passengers enjoying themselves, no, yes, paint. I have busses and I paint lies on them, and tour them around London, no, paint. And I paint the bystanders enjoying the lies I paint on the busses and believing them. No, paint. Then I set fire to it all…
I had a coworker that had a cold one time and was going through a bag of sugar-free cough drops. I cautioned that she may want to go easy, since too much of the sweetener they use can have an... unexpected and urgent effect. She laughed it off and said she’d be fine.
Right, which is the same case anywhere: some famous people have talent, some just have fame for some reason. It’s not just the U.S. with the K’s, there’s talentless but famous idiots everywhere.
Please don’t assume we all care for this family. There are plenty of us that can’t understand the appeal, either.
Stop trying to forget about this; we need to remember. Smollett needs to be brought up and ridiculed as a trope until the end of time. Otherwise we’ll just see more thirsty famewhores committing fraud for publicity. These lies give conservatives ammo to say that ALL racist/homophobic attacks are faked.
Ugh, I just cringed so hard I may have dislocated my shoulder. So sorry you had to deal with that.
“It’s for Nona. Full name: Nona Yerdham Bidness. Why don’t you repeat that back real slow so I can make sure you’ve got it?”
“I was into getting high before it was cool. All these new posers have ruined it!"
Seriously, that GM needs to be fired and never allowed to work in food service again. Ms. Banks seems like a promising replacement.
Oh, I do enjoy Pantera Bread. Vulgar Display of Flour is my go-to.
It may not be instant karma, but fast-acting karma is nearly as good.
You did not express an opinion, you came in like an asshole and said that opening/consuming cookies makes one a savage. You then tried to claim that cookies are not cookies.
I’m still playing through Origins, with Odyssey on deck, but it struck me while I was creeping through the shadows of a fort and pouncing out to assassinate people: Ubi has 90% of a good vampire game series ready to go.
Don’t worry, it looks like the Asian market bikes will still be stupidly loud for the mental defectives that like that:
Can he play villians? I think I've only seen him play good guys, but if he can do a villian I say have him play Kraven. He's good at the action sequences, has the dark, imposing physicality you need for Kraven.
Yes, they’re generally almond-flavored cookies. Do you think they’re not cookies? Because you would be factually wrong there.
Your idea of civilization is throwing away cookies?
Show me where the fuck I said anything about teens with cell phones. This discussion is about automated vehicles. Stay on topic.